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Happy St Paddys Day from G*Field

OK, so the grid is slowly exploding with green stuff in time for St Patricks Day in a few weeks, I don't ordinarily wear green or holiday themed items, but I wanted to show you the St Patricks Day gift from G*Field, cus its soooo cute.

Heres' the obligatory close-up:


Skin - Glam Affair - the current stunning group gift, already blogged by Topaz here,
Dress, earrings & tights - G*Field,
Shoes - G*Field (not free, but absolutely adorable, available in many colours),
Bangles - St Patricks Day gift from Baby Monkey Shoes,
Hair - Clawtooth - Shaken not stirred - beautiful 50l Friday item out today!!

Pose by [ glow ] studios.

Trini xx