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A Day at Reonaldo Burger

I said I wanted cheese on that!!!!
Oh, hi! Yeah...maybe a bit over the top but they did say I could have it my way!!
Jacket: RibboN, lucky board prize
Shirt: Hot Mood, new release not free
Skirt: Luck Inc., not free
Stockings: Sheer, not free
Gun: SICK, hunt prize*
Skin: Mango, Mango!, not currently available but will be eventually
Hair: Fashionably Dead, new release @ Hair Fair (not free)
*The S.I.C hunt is kind of confusing. Basically you head to the Sick sim and grab a hud. You wear the hud and wander around finding data boxes. Click on each box to fill your hud. Then go to the computer area and click the computer, then your hud, THEN you get a prize! For more details look HERE (Google translate is your friend.)