My internet has been moving at the speed of superzomgslow for a while now, no idea why. So maybe some fun, bright colors will make me less inclined to start hunting fire foxes :P

This hair from Adam N Eve comes in a few colors but I wore blue because, hey, I was already wearing yellow and pink so why not? The skin is one of only about forty-seven trillion or so skins you can win at Sowelu! The hoodie comes with male and female prim options so yay for that! Intrigue Co. is generally pretty great about making things unisex and/or available for both sexes. The boots are one of a few prizes available from Duh! in the lucky chair (and check for hunt gifts and mass amounts of cheapies too!)

Intrigue Co., MM prize
Sowelu, lucky board prize (I think. It might have been a group gift or 1L item though)
Adam N Eve, group gift in notices
Duh!, lucky chair prize
Denim Shorts:
Lo*MoMo, 1L (I know you can't really see them but they're cute and basic)
JM:Mai, lucky board prize