OK, I get it. One day out of the year you do your darndest to make me feel like @$#! with all your over-commercialized "WUV" nonsense. Well guess what? This year I'm ready for ya.
I got my $1L crazy detailed tutu dress by Dollhouse.
I got my exercise. A li'l ballet does wonders for the mind.
I got a free bear who WUVes me.
I got 2 new free scrumptiously textured rugs by Y's House.
I got a stolen kiss from this one boy I know.
And I also got . . . some other stuff.
I'm all ready for you to do your WUV-y worst. Bring it on, man.
Anti-love kisses to you Cupid,
xx Lushous Dollerina
Dress: Dollhouse - Tarot Carnival Dollie dress - $1L (smooches to my gorges gf Elli Parx for telling me about this one! *mwuahs*)
Skin: Mango, Mango! - !MM! Dollie Tan Freckles
White glass necklace: Ruru@Pino - [Snow Slow Glass] - group gift - free
Pearl/black ribbon necklace: Mocha - Sweet Twilight - Necklace - Cupid Heart Hunt - free
Diamonds bows bracelet: Fairy Tail - Bracelets gift (color change) - group gift (buy shopping bag in shelf for $0L) - free (shown left)
Bloody hands + nails: Love Soul - Nail*Bloody* - free (shown left)
Hair bow: Mocha - Sweet Twilight - Ribbon - Cupid Heart Hunt - free
Hair: DPYumYum - Barber YumYum No. 16 (Black)
Shoes: SLink - Ashia Point Ballet Slipper Bood (5 ballet poses included)
White stars tattoo: KiiTos - Star Falls Tattoo
Kissing bear: Sen*2 - **sen*2**Kuma?(Dot_Chocolate)_Wear me(mouth) - lucky board prize - free
Pink rugs (2 kinds): Y's House @ Albero Winter Sweethearts Festival - Rug_wool04/Pink_b + Pink_b; and Rug_wool03/Pink_a and Pink_b (buy in display for $0L) - free
Tequila bottle: Kitchen Korner Food - Super Bowl Party Pck V2 - Bottle of Tequila Gold - MM board gift (not sure if still available since this was a special for the Superbowl) - free
Bike w/ kiss pose: Kabuki Creations - Heart (Valentine's Day gift; look in freebies section) - free
Poses by: Kabuki Creations, SLink, Long Awkward Pose, On The Cover (sorry, could not find a working sLURL), Kuri Style + Sunflower
* Many thanks on this post to my supergorges gf Elliandra Parx for pointing me to this ridic awes dress + to the girls at Fashion Fiends for (oh so rightly!) encouraging photogs to visit the stunning No Salvation SIM for capturing dark moods. Special thanks to Gavin McGinnis for letting me steal a smoochie *mwuahs*