Wearable Foods, mouth foods, food related clothing...all things I love in SL. Rideable foods? Not done nearly as much, yet still awesome. We need more I say! Well, here comes [KUE!] to the rescue! I did not want to wear too many clothes to distract from the fabulous flying croissant so I chose this month's picks rewards gift from [KA] designs (there is a male gift as well!).

Flying Croissant and Picnic Belt: [KUE!], leaf hunt gift
And if one type of flying food is not enough, take a ride on this macaroon! Nahm nahm nahm.

Mouth Cookie: [KUE!], random daily freebie
Candy Umbrella: [KUE!], Whack-a-Mole prize
OH! The cute shoes I am wearing! They come from Hoorenbeek and cost, you guessed it, nada. These are like the exact condition my RL pair are in. My av brings me much joy when she is in these. They come in a bunch of sizes, so men do not fret! You can haz these too.

Other Good Stuff:
Skin: Street Dermatology, not free (but really nice!)
Hair: UncleWeb Studios, not free (but you get a CSR card with it!)
P.S.- You can now buy the lucky board kimono I blogged HERE from [KUE!] for only 10L!