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Secret Rendezvous? Robert Pattinson + Megan Fox Would Make Gorgeous Babies ;-)

Juicy, juicy silliness from Bauergriffinonline.com:
You know how we recently caught Megan Fox doing the sexy librarian thing at the Palihouse Hotel?

You know how we also spotted Robert Pattinson ducking for cover near an undisclosed location?

Well, kiddies, now we're disclosing aforementioned location: ALSO the Palihouse Hotel.

Abwuh!!!? <--- say you Indeed. Whisperings in Source-Ville say the two were seen together late at night in the hotel's Bar/Bistro. We're sure it was a fang-filled affair*. With Megan moving out of Brian Austin Green's place, and Robert heading outta Los Angeles to begin filming the Twilight sequel, should we expect these two to rendezvous across the border?