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Hair...More Hair!

On a shopping frenzy today...a girl can never have too much hair!

Little Fish New Gift

This is a gift from Little Fish in celebration of joining the Fashion Trend Group, if you like it, please join the group and look into the past notices!

My peacock lashes

Fab lashes thanks to Dahlindah for showing me!
Get them free at Sky Everett Designs!

little fish flowers dress

Here is Little Fish's newest release. Elegant look with my Lola shoes from Shiny Things (I hadn't worn these in months, they were so dusty under my bed!)

Sascha's March Gift

Another blue dress on show!
This is Sascha's Designs March gift for members! Specializes in ballgowns, this is another one going in my Ballgowns wardrobe ;p Have your group tag activated when claiming the gift!

Shoes from Armidi (not free)

All photos taken @ Truth Island, where I got all the new hair. -.-