Yes, it is I, Helena Stringer, back from near death, bringing you some goodies to enjoy!
We have all heard that Phoenix Rising is leaving sl and has a big ass L$100 sale going on. What you all might not have known was in July Ashoka place some discontinuation stuff out way way in the back of her store. Some of it is still out, and it is priced between L$1-L$15.

Phoenix Rising-Edo's Onjah-L$5

Phoenix Rising-Intentions-L$15

Phoenix Rising-Fann's Touch-L$10(Left Dress)
Into the Hallow-Smoke&Mirrors(Right Dress)
I recently stumbled across a little shop called Into the Hallow while on a different sort of adventure. Now Dame Hallow has a generous heart, and even tho new to our SL world, she is more then generous. The other awesome this is her items are quality items. She enjoyed the post I did on my own blog so much, and a few others from bloggers on the grid, that she made a special Blog-tastic gift(the dress above is part of this gift)! It is for her group members only, but the group is free to join. It seems with each notice(and the come frequently) she has her new releases, but also switches up her lucky chair and MM board. She not only has the MM board and Lucky Chair, but just put up a Gacha that has some really awesome Hats. You can see them on her Flickr HERE!

Also part of the Blog-tastic Gift is this lil nose moth. In the store you will also find a package of eyes as a gift. I'm wearing the one eye here, This Broken Lens eye in Sepia Dark.

You can also get this super cute Hat in the inworld update group, just click her joiner near the Lucky Chair to get an invite. I'm also wearing the other version of the This Broken Lens eyes. The backgrounds shown all thru the post are also a gift at the store, I did change the colouring a bit on this one, but the pack comes with 6 dark themed colourings. They were gift wrap textures, but I sort of thought I could get away blogging with them =)
Now part of the reason I found Into the Hallow was because of a new group for fans of Horror/Macabre. It's called Woeful Wednesdays. It will eventually comprise of 40 designers, each bring you a design every wednesday with the darker themes in mind. These items will be set for only L$50.
To learn more about the event feel free to click the Join board at Into the Hallow. Alternatively you can join the Flickr Group that has been created. It already as some of this weeks designs in it for viewing.
The Stringer Mausoleum is in this event, and I have to say, The Stringer is very happy about it! Here is what I made for the event. This will be a special edition, a "Tamer" version will be going into the store. It also is a preview of my new 2010 hair textures. I'll have next to the vendor L$1 pack of wearable tester hairs, so you can see the texture before you buy it. What is a wearable tester hair? Regular hair actually, no signs, copy/mod. It's just the way I do my testers, so enjoy!
The Stringer Mausoleum-Death of a Goddess-Woeful Wednesday Edition Hair
Visit Phoenix Rising Here!
Visit Into the Hallow Here!
Also Wearing:
Skin from House of Ruin-Not Free but 50% off
Hair from The Stringer Mausoleum-Not Free
Eyes from The Stringer Mausoleum-Not Free
Lashes from Cybernetics-Not Free
Jewelry Set from Acid&Mala-Platinum Hunt Gift(L$10)
Boots from Pacadi-Store no longer exists
*Lights go out*
Hey . . . Who did that . . . and how the hell do I get out of this thing?